Политика за управление
The Eurotex Ltd. Management policy expresses the views and commitments for the future development and improvement of the company by maintaining a high level of quality of work, protecting the environment, and supplying safe and healthy at work in carrying out the activity “Collection, Sorting, Repair, Recycling and Distribution of Second-Hand Clothing and Textile Wastes.”
The Management policy is based on company philosophy and values.
Our philosophy:
• Our leading principle is the pursuit of excellence – of products we make and in the way we work.
• We measure success with our employees and customers satisfaction.
• We work with care for the environment.
• We assure safe and healthy work environment for our employees, customers and partners.
Our values:
• Excellence
o It embodies everything we are striving for, in the quality of our work and the relationships with our partners.
o We are constantly looking for improvements in order to achieve it.
o For us it is both simplicity and completeness.
• Reliability
o To maintain high quality standards for our products and services.
o To be consistent and accurate in our words and actions.
o To keep our promises/commitments, proving the company’s reliability and loyalty.
• Positiveness
o To be friendly and open in our business relationships.
o To work in a team and to maintain pleasant working environment.
o To build successful partnerships and seek win-win solutions for both sides.
For the effective implementation of the Management Policy, we are committed to the following areas:
o To develop and maintain lean work organization, in order to achieve long-term strategies and business plans;
o To develop and implement written rules and procedures, that describe the management and operational processes in the company;
o To plan and implement activities ensuring the continuous improvement of the management system and the performance of the company;
o Continuously improve the processes, activities and services we provide to our customers, partners, employees and stakeholders;
o To perform all activities, connected with import, treatment and sales of second hand clothes according Bulgarian and European legislation and best available and ecologically techniques;
o To train and motivate the staff to develop responsible behavior that leads to environmental protection and keeping employees healthy and safe;
o To keep minimal levels of wastes, that can’t be recovered and recycled when treating a clothing and second hand items;
o To protect the environment, to prevent any kind of pollution, not allowing illegal emission, burn or other uncontrolled destruction of wastes;
o To maintain and increase the negative level of carbon footprint of the company’s activities, increasing the quantities of clothes and shoes prepared for reuse;
o To reduce the company’s carbon footprint of the treating and transporting textile and second-hand clothing waste;
o To maintain mutually beneficial relations with partners and suppliers, based on mutual compliance with the commitments made in the company’s policy and goals regarding quality, environmental protection, health and safety at work, corporate and social responsibility;
o To work for implementation of technologies for recycling of textiles and shoes not suitable for further use;
o To work for continuous improvement of the environmental management system and increasing its efficiency.
o To provide and maintain healthy and safe work conditions in accordance with the requirements of the interested parties and applicable legislation. To take adequate action to prevent illness, incidents, and injuries at work. To remove hazards and minimize risks for the health and safety of all employees and visitors;
o To discuss with employees the health and safety conditions. To involve employees in taking decisions wherever appropriate;
o To maintain the competency of the employees by timely familiarization of legal requirements, applicable standards, and world practices;
o To apply preventive approach in all matters concerning environmental protection and health and safety at work;
o To manage processes in accordance with applicable legislation and international standards.ü To develop and maintain lean work organization, in order to achieve long-term strategies and business plans;
o To develop and implement written rules and procedures, that describe the management and operational processes in the company;
o To plan and implement activities ensuring the continuous improvement of the management system and the performance of the company;
o Continuously improve the processes, activities and services we provide to our customers, partners, employees and stakeholders;
o To perform all activities, connected with import, treatment and sales of second hand clothes according Bulgarian and European legislation and best available and ecologically techniques;
o To train and motivate the staff to develop responsible behavior that leads to environmental protection and keeping employees healthy and safe;
o To keep minimal levels of wastes, that can’t be recovered and recycled when treating a clothing and second hand items;
o To protect the environment, to prevent any kind of pollution, not allowing illegal emission, burn or other uncontrolled destruction of wastes;
o To maintain and increase the negative level of carbon footprint of the company’s activities, increasing the quantities of clothes and shoes prepared for reuse;
o To reduce the company’s carbon footprint of the treating and transporting textile and second-hand clothing waste;
o To maintain mutually beneficial relations with partners and suppliers, based on mutual compliance with the commitments made in the company’s policy and goals regarding quality, environmental protection, health and safety at work, corporate and social responsibility;
o To work for implementation of technologies for recycling of textiles and shoes not suitable for further use;
o To work for continuous improvement of the environmental management system and increasing its efficiency.
o To provide and maintain healthy and safe work conditions in accordance with the requirements of the interested parties and applicable legislation. To take adequate action to prevent illness, incidents, and injuries at work. To remove hazards and minimize risks for the health and safety of all employees and visitors;
o To discuss with employees the health and safety conditions. To involve employees in taking decisions wherever appropriate;
o To maintain the competency of the employees by timely familiarization of legal requirements, applicable standards, and world practices;
o To apply preventive approach in all matters concerning environmental protection and health and safety at work;
o To manage processes in accordance with applicable legislation and international standards.
The management policy is the basis for the development and improvement of the Integrated Management System of Eurotex Ltd. according to the requirements of the international standards ISO 9001:2015 “Quality Management Systems”, ISO 14001:2015 “Environmental Management Systems” and ISO 45001:2018 “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems”.
It is applicable to all sites of Eurotex Ltd. – Head Office, Sorting Unit, Central Warehouse, Recycling, Wholesale Warehouses.
Edited: 8 May 2024